Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good and bad days

Hello my fellow readers. I got back from my vacation today and I must say I had a blast. I went dolphin watching, mini golfing, swimming, the list goes on. I however came down with a cold on the day I went down there and I was not all too happy. It was me and my girlfriend's one year anniversary and there are some things you just can't do when you’re sick. We both forgot sunscreen until it was too late and even though it hurt the both of us we fought through it and still had fun. We also both had a blast despite my sniffles.

For such a long time, ever since I was a kid, every time I went on vacation and went home I became “home sick". To me it's strange because people should be home sick when there away from their home, not away from their vacation. I think it's funny how someone doesn’t understand themselves because half the time I don't understand me. But the more I think about it home sick is really something or someone you miss right? I miss my vacation and even though it's been a few hours since I last seen her, I miss my girlfriend.

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