Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another Philadelphia story...

I just watched the movie Legion and although I did not like it; the movie had one line that I liked. " If you don't wake up tomorrow, if it turns out today is your last day on earth, would you be proud of what you have done in this life? Because if you ain't, then start getting squared". It's funny what a year can make. This time a year ago I was still unsure where my life would be going and my answer to that quote would have been a no. I'm with a wonderful women and I'm in school now, so it's a strong yes. I'm not proud of my job but the smart thing to do is keep the job I have because it will be hard to find another job that pays what I'm getting now. I often think that I should take a pay cut now and find a job that can get me ready for my career. Right now I work for Wal-Mart and I don't know of any jobs in the company that involves nutrition. I'm sure there are some though.

On another note most of Philadelphia is all flyered up. Two teams in the Stanley cup finials that has not won the cup in over 30 years. I despise city's that win all the time. Boston, LA, Pittsburgh and Chicago are city's that don't need anymore championships. Philadelphia is playing against the wonderful city of Chicago, a city that was once dominated by Michael Jordan in the 80's and 90's. Yeah sure the Phillies won the series in 2008 but a city that was in a 30, 35+ year drought of no professional championship needs another one! I do however feel sorry for the Cubs, they have not won the world series in over 90 years. So I hope they win sometime in my life just because I feel sorry for them.

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